February 26, 2004

Red, White, and Blue Knitting

Thanks for the kind comments to my last post. We're waiting for test results, so nothing new on the health front.
I do have new knitting progress to show. First of all, there's Charlotte's heart sock.
This is still the first sock, and I'm nearly to the toe. I had to redo the heel a few times to get the heart right, but I think it looks pretty good.
Next up is Charlotte's blue Debbie Bliss sweater, aka the UFO of the Month.
I'm about 25 rows from finishing the back, and seeing as there are only three more days left in February, I don't think it will be finished before March. Maybe if I finish two UFOs next month, than I can pretend that I didn't break my New Year's resolution.
I've been spending a lot of my regular knitting time trying to get a stray cat prepared for and into a foster home. I really want this cat to get adopted into a good home, but I'm having a very difficult time finding a rescue group with room to take her in. The sooner we hear some good news from a group, the better. Right now, it's just one too many balls in the air for me.
On a more positive note, we may have finally found a babysitter for Charlotte. When we moved, we left all of our family- babysitters- in GA. Mike's family was kind enough to watch Charlotte when they visited for Christmas, but I'd kind of like to have more than one date a year with my husband. We contacted a couple of potential sitters from a baby-sitting service last month, but one wouldn't return our calls and the other went out of town on the day she was supposed to interview with us and has not called us back to reschedule. If I can't rely on these people before we've even met, there is no way I'm leaving my daughter with them. We have found another sitter in the area who has good references, lots of experience, and is actually excited to meet us. We're seeing her tomorrow and hopefully everything will go well.
That's all I've got time to post today. My sweet princess is turning into a grumpy monster.
I hope I'm not too late. She's already got monster feet!

Posted by crsattic at 10:53 PM | 1 Comment

1 Comment

Oh those socks are adorable. You did do a great job on that heart.

I can't wait to see the sweater. That color is gorgeous.

It is hard to find a good babysitter. We have a girl here that we've used once. (I just don't leave my kids) I'm realizing now that I'd like to use her more while we're here. I don't even remember what it's like to go out alone with dh. I hope it works out well for you, and that you can spend some quality time with dh without worrying about your little princess.

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