October 12, 2004

Sorry everyone, but this is just going to be a whiny post. If you're looking for Charlotte or knitting news, check back tomorrow.
This pregnancy is really getting rough. The baby is now up and down instead of sideways, so instead of poking my sides, he's pushing on my pelvis and ribs. Braxton Hicks contractions have started, making it hard to sleep at night. Most of the time, they'll subside, and then the baby will get into a position where he's just sitting there pushing out on my lower abdomen, causing the bottom of my belly to tighten again. The morning sickness has returned, so now I'm waking up tired and nauseous. Besides just feeling lousy, I'm getting too big to bend over, so I have problems putting on my own shoes and socks. Normally all of this wouldn't be so bad, but shopping for pregnant tops recently has just really made me depressed. It is nearly impossible to find maternity clothes that you like and that don't make you feel as big as a house. Last time I actually enjoyed being pregnant, but this time I just feel crummy, incapable, and unattractive.
Enough whining for today; I promise a real post tomorrow.

Posted by crsattic at October 12, 2004 9:47 PM