August 11, 2003
I May Not Have Another Finished Project Until Charlotte Goes To College
How do people with small children get anything done? Charlotte is in her destructo phase now. She loves anything that can be emptied the bigger the mess, the better. One of the worst things she gets into is the box of baby wipes. She pulls out big clumps of wipes, and then proceeds to separate and unfold all of them. We keep the wipes in the diaper bag (which she also likes to empty) so it's just a matter of zipping up the diaper bag with the wipes inside when we're done. Charlotte is also starting to recognize when she's doing something I don't want her to, but it just amuses her rather than stopping her. It started out with me telling her no, then, when I told her no, she'd shake her head. Now, if I find her playing with something she thinks I'll take away, she shakes her head no without me saying anything ....... and keeps on playing.
In project news, the body of the jacket is finished and I'm working on the first sleeve. I've put wood putty on most of the spots that needed it on the quilt shelf, now I just need Mike's help in attaching the rod so I can sand and paint it. I'm still trying to finish the poncho. I've started a new Homespun scarf. I also received my latest yarn order in the mail today and will begin on a project from that. It is on size 35 needles so it shouldn't take long to finish. I also may be starting a sewing project this week. I have a lot of stuff I'd like to finish this month, but since I started working, it seems that there is just not enough time. To make it look like I'm on top of things, I'll only add items to my WIP list that I'm actually working on rather than all the items I plan on working on.