August 1, 2003


As some of you already know, I have a huge slug problem in my garden. On more than one occasion, I've killed over 30 slugs in one sitting. And that is with it still being light out. When I took out the trash last night, I saw some more on the sidewalk, so I came back out with a flashlight and salt to get rid of them. Now when I said that I have a huge problem, I wasn't just talking about the number of slugs invading my property but the size as well. I salted 5 slugs that were over 4 inches long and one huge one that was at least 5 inches! These big boys are gross and slimy with big spots or stripes. Yech! I put out a beer trap last night for the first time in about a month, and I actually got to see it in action last night. For those who don't know how this works, I dig a hole in my garden for a plastic cup, which I bury almost to the rim. I then fill the cup about two/thirds of the way with beer. The slugs are attracted to the beer, slide down the inside of the cup to drink and end up falling in and drowning. This trap works very well to get some of the big, monster slugs that aren't out when I'm looking for them during the day. (The huge 5-inch slug was right by the cup when I salted it. I didn't want to take any chances.) There were two 4-inch slugs leaning over the rim when I was out last night, and they both fell in. I'm amazed that the cup trap is big enough to get these guys.
Here's a picture of the trap, slugs and all.


In yarn news, the sundress needs the buttons sewn in, the poncho needs more sewing, and I'm about halfway up the back on the black jacket. I really hate sewing up projects, so come Monday, you'll probably see the most progress on the jacket.
It's the first of the month, and I haven't finished all the projects I'd hoped to for July. Oh well, the list will just shift to this month.
If you have extra time and extra wool, you can knit some mouse toys for a good cause. Check out Wendy's page for the details.

Posted by crsattic at August 1, 2003 4:41 AM