July 21, 2003
Time to Leave the Nest
I was pruning bushes around our house last weekend and found a nest with baby robins in one of our rose bushes. I've been peeking at them as I come and go this last week. Most of the time the mother is there with them, either adding to the nest or giving out food. Imagine my surprise when I went out there today and found the nest completely empty. The nest is still intact, so I don't think a cat got it. (With all the thorns and the thin branches, I don't think a cat could have climbed up there anyway.) Maybe it was time for the birds to fly out on their own. I think they looked too small and helpless to fend for themselves but maybe that's just the overprotective mother in me talking. Hopefully, they are all right. Until I'm sure no one is living in the nest, I'll leave this bush unpruned.
I didn't finish the poncho and scarf this weekend as planned. The front half of the poncho is sewn up and the scarf is coming along so maybe by Wednesday I?ll have some real progress to report.